Last night the school had its final gathering together as a whole. From this point forward we will not all be in the same place at the same time before students head back to the states or wherever else they are going once they leave Viterbo. It was a time for laughing and a time for crying. I have had a great group of six young women as my advisees this year. They came to our house, baked cookies, watched movies and generally had a good time. In the course of doing so, they became my friends. I will get the chance to wave most of them off on Friday morning, but realistically that will be incredibly hectic and they will be saying many goodbyes to host families and others in a very short time. I hope I might actually just catch a glimpse of most of them. Having watched the end of many school years and having taught several thousand students, I can say with reasonable certainty that I will never talk to most if any of them ever again. For some reason, that makes me much sadder this year than any of the years that have come before. Perhaps it is the shared experience of breaking away and discovering a foreign country together and in doing that discovering something about ourselves.
So, I am going to break my rule and put up pictures of each of them. They will never see them; none of them even know this blog exists and it basically has to stay that way. Most of you reading this have never met them and never will. This post is then for me, to help me let go of them and at the same time keep them until the digital pictures fade.
Here are my ladies: