We are slowly getting the handle on garbage here. Outside of the city walls you bring all of your garbage to selected areas and deposit it in different bins: plastic and metal in one, paper in another, glass in a third and what is translated loosely as humid or moist refuse in the final one. This is what I remember of living in Cary, NC many years ago.
Inside the city walls where we live it is somewhat different. They do not have single stream recycling so you still need to sort your garbage into four categories. There is an individual container for each type of recycling which is color coded by bin. We finally got our bins yesterday and are in the process of getting all of our accumulated recycling out of the kitchen. Pickup is curbside. On Tuesday they collect paper, Thursday is plastic and metal, Friday is glass and on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday they collect garbage. The only day they don't come through our neighborhood is on Sunday. Most days they swing by twice, once between 6 and 8 am and a second time later in the morning since you are asked to put out your daily material between 6 and 8 and they might have missed you the first time. They also sweep our street at least 3-4 times a week as compared to 1-2 times per year in Springfield. I guess that is what happens when the government employs a lot of people.
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